Singing Guide: Nita Whitaker

Singing Guide: Nita Whitaker

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Nita Whitaker is a renowned vocalist known for her soulful delivery, technical precision, and her ability to convey emotion through music. Learning to sing like Nita Whitaker entails a thorough understanding of various vocal techniques, including breath control, vibrato, and phrasing. In this article, we will explore these skills and how to incorporate them for a soulful sound like Nita Whitaker.

Breath Control

One of the most critical skills when singing like Nita Whitaker is breath control. As an accomplished vocalist, she has mastered breath control and uses it to create dramatic pauses and emotive phrasing. To enhance your breath control, you need to develop strong breath support by engaging your diaphragm and using your abdominal muscles. Singing Carrots offers a valuable resource to help you develop and improve your breath control skills. Check out this article on breath support and this exercise to get started.


Vibrato is a technique that brings a pleasant and consistent texture to the voice. Nita Whitaker is a master of this technique, and her vibrato always adds emotion to her songs. To sing like Nita Whitaker, you need to develop and control your vibrato, and Singing Carrots has an excellent tutorial that can help you master the art of singing with vibrato.


Nita Whitaker's vocal phrasing is one of her trademarks. Her rhythm and timing are impeccable, and she knows exactly where to make her musical statements. To learn to sing like Nita Whitaker, you need to develop a keen sense of rhythm and timing. You can enhance your timing skills with tips and techniques on phrasing, and how to learn a song effectively.

Song Choice

Picking the right songs to practice is vital when learning to sing like Nita Whitaker. Her repertoire consists of soulful ballads and contemporary songs that showcase her vocal range and emotions. Singing Carrots has a great platform to search songs by vocal range, so you can find tunes that suit your voice and style.


Learning to sing like Nita Whitaker takes time and dedication, but with the right technique and resources, you can develop the skills and abilities to perform like her. Incorporate practical advice from Singing Carrots resources to enhance your breath control, vibrato, phrasing, and song choice. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.